Your Condo Renovations May Require More Insurance Coverage

Renovations that are made in your condo may influence your decision to upgrade your insurance policy. Review the renovations below. Then, contact one of our agents at Tackett Insurance Inc. for additional assistance.

Cosmetic Upgrades

Painting, polishing, and patching surfaces within your home are cosmetic upgrades that may improve its overall value and beauty.

If the upgrades will require a considerable investment, you may want to increase the coverage your condo insurance policy provides.

Structural Upgrades

The construction of a new wall or floor will alter the appearance and layout of your condo. Structural upgrades should always be considered when modifying your existing insurance policy.

The cost of materials and labor should be considered when deciding how much coverage to add to your current condo insurance policy.

Functional Upgrades

Functional upgrades include any addition that will change the manner in which you utilize space within your condo. Each functional upgrade should be assessed separately.

If any of the upgrades are at risk of becoming damaged in the future, they should be added to your existing insurance policy.

Loose Possessions

Determine the value of any loose items you plan to add to your living space. Considerably valuable items should be included in your insurance policy. Prepare a list specifying all the loose items you want to add to your condo insurance.

Contact Tackett Insurance Inc.

One of our agents who represents the Memphis, TN, area will help you update your condo insurance policy. They will record information about each material or personal possession that you would like to cover. Reach out to our team about a quote.